60f Premios de easyMarkets

PREMIOS DE easyMarkets

Nuestros premios

No son nuestros, son de todas las personas que han apoyado a easyMarkets desde 2001. Todo lo que hemos podido conseguir se debe a estas personas, que se han unido a nosotros en este viaje como empleados, clientes y socios.


Best Fixed Spread Forex Broker
Smart Vision Investment Summit, Egypt
Leading Broker of the Year
Forex Expo Dubai 
Best Regulated Broker
Smart Vision Summit – South Africa 2024 
Best Forex Broker
TradingView Broker Awards


Best Global Broker
Dubai Expo 2023
Best Fixed Spread Broker
Best Competitive Spreads Broker
Media With, inc.
Longest serving Broker
Media With, inc.


Best Cryptocurrency Innovation UAE
Finance Derivative Magazine
Most Trusted Broker
Smart Vision Investment Expo Egypt
Most Reputable Multi-Asset broker
Forex Expo Dubai
Steady Development in comprehensive operation
FX168 2022 Broker Billboard (Global)
Most Trusted Forex Broker in Middle East
Fin Expo Egypt 2022


Best Forex Trading Innovation
Best Forex Trading App
Smart Vision Investment Expo


Best Forex Trading Innovation


Best Forex Broker
The Forex Expo - Dubai


Best APAC Region Broker
ADVFN International Financial Awards
Most Innovative Broker
World Finance Markets Awards


Most Transparent Broker
Best Forex Service Provider
FXWord China
Best Trusted by Investors
JRJ China
Best Trading Platform
FX Empire
Dobra Marka 2017 Poland
Dobra Marka


Best Trading Platform Poland
Global Banking & Finance Awards
Best Trading Platform UK
Global Banking & Finance Awards
Excellent Trading Platform
Golden Consumer Award
Laur Konsumenta


Best Partner Program Europe 2015
Global Banking & Finance Review Awards
Annual Innovative Products & Services
Best Broker 2013
Best Broker of the Year
The 3rd China International Online Trading Expo
Best Dealing Room
MENA Forex Awards 2013
Best Forex Broker 2013 Poland
Global Financial Market Awards 2013
Best Forex Customer Services Provider 2013
12th Mena Forex Awards
Smart Investor Blue Ribbon Awards
Best FX trading platform 2013
Nanjing expo
Best Innovative Forex Platform
Best New Product
Best Professional Forex Investment Platform
2013 Money Fair
Forex Company that Most Trusted by Clients
Best Customer Service
London Investor Show FOREX Awards 2012
Best Forex Broker
Best Forex Education
UK Forex Awards 2012
Best FX broker 2012
East Money
Best FX broker 2012
Guangzhou Financial Expo
Best FX Platform
London Investor Show FOREX Awards 2012
Best FX Retail Broker
London Investor Show FOREX Awards 2012
Best FX services Provider
China Financial Awards
Best FX Training Provider
London Investor Show FOREX Awards 2012
Best Online Broker, Eastern Europe
World Finance Awards 2012
The Fast 50 Business Award Winners
Fast Money
Best FxNews and Analysis Provider
AG Arabcom Group
Best Retail FX provider 2010
AG Arabcom Group

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